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Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Three Common Cancers Relevant to India

According to Tata Memorial Center
The three common cancers particularly relevant to India are cancers of the
Head & Neck (3,00,000 new cases detected each year),
Cervix (1,00,000 new cases detected each year) and 
Breast (80,000 new cases detected each year).
These are amenable to prevention and early detection. Therefore it is important to record history of previous illness and treatment, family history of cancer, lifestyle patterns and other risk factors.

According to WHO
Three most common cancers in men in South Central Asia are: Oral, Lung, Pharynx
Three most common cancers in women in South Central Asia are: Cervix, Breast, Oral
Some cancers are more common in certain parts of the world. For example,
Three most common cancers in men in US, many parts of Europe
are: Prostate, Colon, Lung
Three most common cancers in women in US, many parts of Europe are: Breast, Colon, Lung
In Japan, there are many cases of stomach cancer., but in the other parts of the world this type of cancer is rare. Therefore cancers could be region specific.