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Sunday, 28 August 2011

Pesticide exposure ups prostate cancer risk

Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men and is calculated to affect as many as 1 in 6 men during their lifetime. The cancer affects the prostate gland, a small gland in the reproductive system that releases fluid to help carry sperm.
Common risk factors for prostate cancer are diet and genetics, though there is little research on environmental exposures . Those at highest risk include men older than 60, those with a family history of the disease and African American men. Also at increased risk are men with occupational exposures to a wide variety of chemicals – such as farmers, tire plant workers and painters – and those who eat a high fat diet or abuse alcohol.
Because many pesticides can mimic hormones, experts hypothesize that exposure may increase prostate cancer risk. In particular, methyl bromide and organochlorine pesticides are thought to be related to prostate cancer cause and more