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Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Programs Conducted/ Served/ Participated as part of a social responsibility...

Today (11-Feb-2012) attended school function which they call it "Science of Art Exhibition", a function celebrated by the kids with their parents and teachers, where the kids have prepared projects in their pet subject areas and demonstrated what they have prepared and understood. All the kids have worked on excellent projects related to maths, general science, social studies, pollution and its impact on environment & health, traditional clothig from various regions, ext.

Served on an Eductional Training program for the economically challenged women. General Health awareness has been created and focus on nutrition and good health practices have been explained. Since mother is the prime health concern of her child, several suggestions were given and to consult a near-by qualified medical practitioner without delay in case of emergencies and suspesion of acute and chronic ailments. This program was covered by some of the local news papers.

To mark the day 11-11-11, a special health awareness program and camp were conducted. A general healh check up was carried out and free medicines were supplied where needed. The efforts of all the volunteers and well-wishers like Dr. Nagamohan, Dr. Srinivas, Dr. Janardhan Reddy, Dr. Ramanacharyulu, Dr. Preethi, Dr. Bhanu were appreciated. Cooperation and encouragement of the school managment and the Head Master, Sri. Sudhakar, is highly appreciated. Following are the few snapshots of the occasion....

A special program has been organized to educate the high school children regarding the science and technological facts in Vedas and Puranas. BrahmaSri. Dr. M. Srinivasa Rao garu has explained the hidden treasures and explained how one need to understand, translate and adopt the facts presented in Vedas. Every one present has appreciated him for presenting, from science and technological aspect.